Waffle House


A 5-year-old Alabama boy fed and said grace with a homeless man at a local Waffle House, bringing the entire restaurant to tears.

Josiah Duncan was at a Waffle House in Prattville, Alabama, with his mother, Ava Faulk, when he suddenly noticed a disheveled man outside the restaurant.

“We saw a man who was dirty holding a bag with his bike outside,” Faulk recounted to WBTV (video interview shown below). Duncan began to wonder why the man was outside by himself, appearing the way he did.

“He's homeless,” Faulk explained. “What does that mean?” Duncan responded.

“And I said, ‘Well, that means he doesn't have a home,’” Faulk told reporters.

“Where is his house? Where is his family? Where does he keep his groceries?" the little boy began asking.

Duncan was so stunned by the man’s situation that he begged his mother to buy him a meal. She listened, and invited ghe man inside the restaurant to eat.

“He came in and sat down, and nobody really waited on him," Faulk said. "So Josiah jumped up and asked him if he needed a menu because you can't order without one." According to Faulk, the man originally just asked for a cheap hamburger, but she quickly insisted that he get whatever he wanted. He then asked if he could have bacon. “And I told him get as much bacon you want,” she said.

When the man got his food, Duncan said he wanted to do something special with him before he took the first bite.

“I wanted to say the blessing with him,” Duncan said.

"The man cried. I cried. Everybody cried,” Faulk said.

“You never know who the angel on Earth is, and when the opportunity comes you should never walk away from it,” she added. “Watching my son touch the 11 people in that Waffle House tonight will be forever one of the greatest accomplishments as a parent I'll ever get to witness.”

Sources: Daily MailWBTV

Photo Credit: Facebook, WBTV, Ava Faulk


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A 5-year-old Alabama boy fed and said grace with a homeless man at a local Waffle House, bringing the entire restaurant to tears.

Josiah Duncan was at a Waffle House in Prattville, Alabama, with his mother, Ava Faulk, when he suddenly noticed a disheveled man outside the restaurant.

“We saw a man who was dirty holding a bag with his bike outside,” Faulk recounted to WBTV (video interview shown below). Duncan began to wonder why the man was outside by himself, appearing the way he did.

“He's homeless,” Faulk explained. “What does that mean?” Duncan responded.

“And I said, ‘Well, that means he doesn't have a home,’” Faulk told reporters.

“Where is his house? Where is his family? Where does he keep his groceries?" the little boy began asking.

Duncan was so stunned by the man’s situation that he begged his mother to buy him a meal. She listened, and invited ghe man inside the restaurant to eat.

“He came in and sat down, and nobody really waited on him," Faulk said. "So Josiah jumped up and asked him if he needed a menu because you can't order without one." According to Faulk, the man originally just asked for a cheap hamburger, but she quickly insisted that he get whatever he wanted. He then asked if he could have bacon. “And I told him get as much bacon you want,” she said.

When the man got his food, Duncan said he wanted to do something special with him before he took the first bite.

“I wanted to say the blessing with him,” Duncan said.

"The man cried. I cried. Everybody cried,” Faulk said.

“You never know who the angel on Earth is, and when the opportunity comes you should never walk away from it,” she added. “Watching my son touch the 11 people in that Waffle House tonight will be forever one of the greatest accomplishments as a parent I'll ever get to witness.”

Sources: Daily MailWBTV

Photo Credit: Facebook, WBTV, Ava Faulk

5-Year-Old Boy's Interaction With Homeless Man Leaves Entire Waffle House At Loss For Words (Video)

A 5-year-old Alabama boy fed and said grace with a homeless man at a local Waffle House, bringing the entire restaurant to tears.

Josiah Duncan was at a Waffle House in Prattville, Alabama, with his mother, Ava Faulk, when he suddenly noticed a disheveled man outside the restaurant.

“We saw a man who was dirty holding a bag with his bike outside,” Faulk recounted to WBTV (video interview shown below). Duncan began to wonder why the man was outside by himself, appearing the way he did.

“He's homeless,” Faulk explained. “What does that mean?” Duncan responded.

“And I said, ‘Well, that means he doesn't have a home,’” Faulk told reporters.

“Where is his house? Where is his family? Where does he keep his groceries?" the little boy began asking.

Duncan was so stunned by the man’s situation that he begged his mother to buy him a meal. She listened, and invited ghe man inside the restaurant to eat.

“He came in and sat down, and nobody really waited on him," Faulk said. "So Josiah jumped up and asked him if he needed a menu because you can't order without one." According to Faulk, the man originally just asked for a cheap hamburger, but she quickly insisted that he get whatever he wanted. He then asked if he could have bacon. “And I told him get as much bacon you want,” she said.

When the man got his food, Duncan said he wanted to do something special with him before he took the first bite.

“I wanted to say the blessing with him,” Duncan said.

"The man cried. I cried. Everybody cried,” Faulk said.

“You never know who the angel on Earth is, and when the opportunity comes you should never walk away from it,” she added. “Watching my son touch the 11 people in that Waffle House tonight will be forever one of the greatest accomplishments as a parent I'll ever get to witness.”

Sources: Daily MailWBTV

Photo Credit: Facebook, WBTV, Ava Faulk