Finally, Costco members, do opt for name-brand items or Kirkland Signature? Because they might be the same thing… Most of Costco’s Kirkland Signature items are manufactured by name brands under private labels. That’s why we’re sharing Kirkland vs. Name Brand food items that could save your wallet in the long run! *The prices listed below are for in-store purchases. Online prices may vary.
1. Starbucks vs. Kirkland Signature Coffee

Kirkland Signature Coffee is roast by none other than the Starbucks Coffee Company! But a 2.5lb bag of Kirkland Signature is $11.99, while a 12oz bag of Starbucks Coffee typically costs $8.49. That’s a 41¢ difference per ounce.
2. Diamond Naturals vs. Kirkland Signature Pet Food

In addition, Costco keeps the fur babies in mind too! Diamond Pet Foods makes all of Kirkland’s dry dog and cat foods. And Kirkland Signature saves you 73¢ per pound.
3. Jelly Belly vs. Kirkland Signature Jelly Beans

This seasonal Costco product might be my favorite, and the price difference is huge! Costco’s Jelly Belly Jelly Beans 4 lb container costs $13.99, making each pound $3.50. On the Jelly Belly website, a 2lb package goes for $19.99.
And who can pass up the 49 flavors of Kirkland Signature? Definitely not me, I’m a sucker for Sunkist jelly beans.
4. Specialty Cheese vs. Kirkland Signature Cheese

Costco cheeses are not imported, but they are specially selected by Formaggi Zanetti, a company in Italy. So for $11.79/lb, you can buy Kirkland Signature Parmigiano Reggiano that was aged for more than 24 months, cut, and packaged in Italy.
5. Bumble Bee vs. Kirkland Signature Tuna

Bet you weren’t expecting to save on Tuna today. But Kirkland’s White Albacore Tuna sells eight 7oz cans for $15.99, about 29¢ per ounce. While its supplier, Bumble Bee Foods, sells 5oz cans for $1.89 or 39¢ per ounce.
Additionally, Those dimes are adding up!
6. Grey Goose vs. Kirkland Signature Vodka

Last but not least Vodka! These two aren’t made by the same manufacturer but the similarities are there for an interesting reason. Costco employees share that Kirkland Signature liquors are made in the same warehouse/region as their name-brand counterparts.
For example, Grey Goose Vodka. Kirkland manufactures their vodka in a warehouse that belonged to Grey Goose, and they use their old production equipment. But a 1.75L bottle of Kirkland Signature French Vodka only costs $19.99, where a bottle of Grey Goose the same size leaves you without $47.99.
Maybe it’s my love for all things Costco but I’m excited to find other Kirkland vs. Name Brand steals. So any we missed?