
Sure, plant-based meat alternatives seem to be on the rise, and last I checked there were, like, nine billion kinds of dairy-free milks to choose from at my local grocery store, but according to a new survey released by UK dating app, prospects for vegans finding true love are very, very slim.

A moment of silence for our animal-loving friends.

Apparently, out of 1,000 men and women surveyed around the UK, 34% of those people would not want to date a vegan, Munchies reports (although men were more bothered by vegetarianism than women).

Furthermore, even if one of you glowing-skin, morally superior vegan creatures manages to secure a date with the 2/3 of the population able to get past society’s weird anti-vegan stigma, a whopping 77% of people still wouldn’t be down for switching to a meat-free diet if asked to by their partner.

Live and let (your online dates) live, folks.

Of course, the intolerance doesn’t stop with veganism. Per Munchies, 28 percent of those surveyed found that the absolutely most off-putting dietary habit a potential partner could have was eating junk food; 21 percent also harbor a disdain for excessive drinkers.

The solution is clear: we all need to evolve into superhumans and learn to thrive off of sunshine and good vibes.

All hope isn’t lost though, and people who follow alternate diets probably don’t want to date close-minded and judgmental individuals anyway.

The final takeaway? Do what you want, don’t impose your lifestyle choices on other people, and feel free to #swipeleft on anybody who tries to tell you otherwise.


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Sure, plant-based meat alternatives seem to be on the rise, and last I checked there were, like, nine billion kinds of dairy-free milks to choose from at my local grocery store, but according to a new survey released by UK dating app, prospects for vegans finding true love are very, very slim.

A moment of silence for our animal-loving friends.

Apparently, out of 1,000 men and women surveyed around the UK, 34% of those people would not want to date a vegan, Munchies reports (although men were more bothered by vegetarianism than women).

Furthermore, even if one of you glowing-skin, morally superior vegan creatures manages to secure a date with the 2/3 of the population able to get past society’s weird anti-vegan stigma, a whopping 77% of people still wouldn’t be down for switching to a meat-free diet if asked to by their partner.

Live and let (your online dates) live, folks.

Of course, the intolerance doesn’t stop with veganism. Per Munchies, 28 percent of those surveyed found that the absolutely most off-putting dietary habit a potential partner could have was eating junk food; 21 percent also harbor a disdain for excessive drinkers.

The solution is clear: we all need to evolve into superhumans and learn to thrive off of sunshine and good vibes.

All hope isn’t lost though, and people who follow alternate diets probably don’t want to date close-minded and judgmental individuals anyway.

The final takeaway? Do what you want, don’t impose your lifestyle choices on other people, and feel free to #swipeleft on anybody who tries to tell you otherwise.

A Third Of People REFUSE To Date Vegans

Sure, plant-based meat alternatives seem to be on the rise, and last I checked there were, like, nine billion kinds of dairy-free milks to choose from at my local grocery store, but according to a new survey released by UK dating app, prospects for vegans finding true love are very, very slim.

A moment of silence for our animal-loving friends.

Apparently, out of 1,000 men and women surveyed around the UK, 34% of those people would not want to date a vegan, Munchies reports (although men were more bothered by vegetarianism than women).

Furthermore, even if one of you glowing-skin, morally superior vegan creatures manages to secure a date with the 2/3 of the population able to get past society’s weird anti-vegan stigma, a whopping 77% of people still wouldn’t be down for switching to a meat-free diet if asked to by their partner.

Live and let (your online dates) live, folks.

Of course, the intolerance doesn’t stop with veganism. Per Munchies, 28 percent of those surveyed found that the absolutely most off-putting dietary habit a potential partner could have was eating junk food; 21 percent also harbor a disdain for excessive drinkers.

The solution is clear: we all need to evolve into superhumans and learn to thrive off of sunshine and good vibes.

All hope isn’t lost though, and people who follow alternate diets probably don’t want to date close-minded and judgmental individuals anyway.

The final takeaway? Do what you want, don’t impose your lifestyle choices on other people, and feel free to #swipeleft on anybody who tries to tell you otherwise.