What happens when an apple pie, cheesecake, and oatmeal cookies walk into a kitchen? You get heavenly Apple Streusel Cheesecake Bars -
cue angelic sounds.
Sounds like a melting pop of goodness, right? These bars are built on a foundation of thick oatmeal cookie base, layered with a soft and airy cheesecake, smothered with an apple pie filling, and then topped with a crunchy streusel layer. These layers make for a whole slew of textures, sweet and spiced flavors, and a happy tummy.

If you’re in a rush to throw a dessert together, you’re in luck. We kept it simple with this recipe - no need to make anything from scratch. With Betty Crocker’s oatmeal cookie mix, canned apple pie filling, and packaged cream cheese, you can make this dessert in just 40 minutes. It’s just the cooling process that takes some time, but there’s nothing wrong with enjoying this dessert hot with a dollop of your favorite ice cream (we prefer vanilla).

This dessert is so versatile that it could really be made for any occasion, big or small - it really is such a crowd-pleaser, your fridge won’t have time to house it!