Cancer Patient, Wife Stunned After Seeing The Message A Waitress Wrote On Their Receipt (Photo)


A 17-year-old New Jersey waitress made a cancer patient and his wife's day by paying their dinner bill. reports that Rick and Annette Lewallen do not eat out very often anymore, ever since Rick started expensive brain cancer treatment in April, but they enjoyed a slice of pizza and a salad at Brother's Pizzeria on April 14.

When the couple finished their dinner, their waitress, high school student Daniela Bossi, brought them a handwritten note instead of the check.

"For putting up the biggest fight, this one is on me," wrote Bossi, a family friend. "With great love, Brother's Pizza."

Rick is a fairly reserved guy, but Annette said that, as soon as he read Bossi's message, he was overcome with emotion.

"It was a vote for humanity,'' said Rick, who shared the note all over social media. "I've finally stopped crying about it."

Despite round after round of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, Rick refuses to let it get to him, Annette said.

"He's a real positive guy,'' Annette said. "He still rides his bike and during the treatment he still walked eight miles a day to keep up his exercise.''

Bossi, who has worked at the pizzeria for two months, didn't think much of paying the couple's bill with tips that she earned through the evening.

"It was something so small,'' Bossi said. "I didn't think it was any big deal."

Her younger sister is best friends with one of the Lewallen's children.

"I did it because their family has always been there for my little sister," she explained.

Her bosses found out what she had done and immediately offered their full support and reimbursed her for her kind act, according to Philly Voice.

"It's not often you hear about someone so young doing something with so much heart,'' said Pasquale Carannante, one of the pizzeria's owners. "I'm very proud."

What may have felt like a small act to Bossi meant the world to the Lewallens, and it will be a long time before they forget her kind deed.

"The world is a better place because of people like you,'' Annette wrote on Facebook. "We are overwhelmed with her kindness.''


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A 17-year-old New Jersey waitress made a cancer patient and his wife's day by paying their dinner bill. reports that Rick and Annette Lewallen do not eat out very often anymore, ever since Rick started expensive brain cancer treatment in April, but they enjoyed a slice of pizza and a salad at Brother's Pizzeria on April 14.

When the couple finished their dinner, their waitress, high school student Daniela Bossi, brought them a handwritten note instead of the check.

"For putting up the biggest fight, this one is on me," wrote Bossi, a family friend. "With great love, Brother's Pizza."

Rick is a fairly reserved guy, but Annette said that, as soon as he read Bossi's message, he was overcome with emotion.

"It was a vote for humanity,'' said Rick, who shared the note all over social media. "I've finally stopped crying about it."

Despite round after round of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, Rick refuses to let it get to him, Annette said.

"He's a real positive guy,'' Annette said. "He still rides his bike and during the treatment he still walked eight miles a day to keep up his exercise.''

Bossi, who has worked at the pizzeria for two months, didn't think much of paying the couple's bill with tips that she earned through the evening.

"It was something so small,'' Bossi said. "I didn't think it was any big deal."

Her younger sister is best friends with one of the Lewallen's children.

"I did it because their family has always been there for my little sister," she explained.

Her bosses found out what she had done and immediately offered their full support and reimbursed her for her kind act, according to Philly Voice.

"It's not often you hear about someone so young doing something with so much heart,'' said Pasquale Carannante, one of the pizzeria's owners. "I'm very proud."

What may have felt like a small act to Bossi meant the world to the Lewallens, and it will be a long time before they forget her kind deed.

"The world is a better place because of people like you,'' Annette wrote on Facebook. "We are overwhelmed with her kindness.''

Cancer Patient, Wife Stunned After Seeing The Message A Waitress Wrote On Their Receipt (Photo)

A 17-year-old New Jersey waitress made a cancer patient and his wife's day by paying their dinner bill. reports that Rick and Annette Lewallen do not eat out very often anymore, ever since Rick started expensive brain cancer treatment in April, but they enjoyed a slice of pizza and a salad at Brother's Pizzeria on April 14.

When the couple finished their dinner, their waitress, high school student Daniela Bossi, brought them a handwritten note instead of the check.

"For putting up the biggest fight, this one is on me," wrote Bossi, a family friend. "With great love, Brother's Pizza."

Rick is a fairly reserved guy, but Annette said that, as soon as he read Bossi's message, he was overcome with emotion.

"It was a vote for humanity,'' said Rick, who shared the note all over social media. "I've finally stopped crying about it."

Despite round after round of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, Rick refuses to let it get to him, Annette said.

"He's a real positive guy,'' Annette said. "He still rides his bike and during the treatment he still walked eight miles a day to keep up his exercise.''

Bossi, who has worked at the pizzeria for two months, didn't think much of paying the couple's bill with tips that she earned through the evening.

"It was something so small,'' Bossi said. "I didn't think it was any big deal."

Her younger sister is best friends with one of the Lewallen's children.

"I did it because their family has always been there for my little sister," she explained.

Her bosses found out what she had done and immediately offered their full support and reimbursed her for her kind act, according to Philly Voice.

"It's not often you hear about someone so young doing something with so much heart,'' said Pasquale Carannante, one of the pizzeria's owners. "I'm very proud."

What may have felt like a small act to Bossi meant the world to the Lewallens, and it will be a long time before they forget her kind deed.

"The world is a better place because of people like you,'' Annette wrote on Facebook. "We are overwhelmed with her kindness.''