Employee Who Wrote Slur On Receipt Gets Fired||Wendy's||Employee Who Wrote Slur On Receipt Gets Fired


A franchise owner of the fast food restaurant Wendy's apologized for the misconduct of one of its workers, who has since been fired for embarrassing and fat shaming a customer.

The North Carolina man who was shamed said he felt really humiliated and embarrassed when he saw the moniker “chubby” written on his receipt after visiting the Wendy’s Gastonia.

The customer, Jimmy, explained that he placed an order for himself and his fiance. “The employee asked me of my name while at the register and I clearly articulated my name 'Jimmy' to her,” Jimmy Shue said. 

"After which she replied 'okay thanks' and handed the ticket to me."

 "I wasn’t expecting anything awful,” Jimmy said, only to eventually take a glance at the receipt that was given to him and see a name different from his actual name. 

Shue said he felt reluctant to own up to the slur and wanted to ignore it. It wasn't until one of the employees called him up for the order by using the name  “chubby,” as written on the ticket, that he finally stepped up.

“That’s not my name, but that’s my order,” Shue said.

"I walked straight to the patron, grabbed my ticket and walked out angrily because I felt very embarrassed as everyone in the restaurant started laughing”.

“I felt that I was being targeted because of my weight and that’s not a right treatment for anybody," Shue said to local media.

Unfortunately, the franchise owner was not available at the time of the incident, so Jimmy decided to reach out to Wendy’s corporate.

When the incident got to Wendy's, they issued a statement apologizing to Shue and said the employee involved had been immediately fired. 

A spokesperson for Wendy’s says "The matter has been investigated and appropriate actions are being taken. We worked very hard to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for our employees and customers.” 

Sadly, writing insulting names on receipts is nothing. An Alabama woman also claimed she was called a 'crazy b---h' after ordering a burger without cheese at a fast food restaurant.

Related: Waiter Caught Off Guard By What Was Written On Receipt


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A franchise owner of the fast food restaurant Wendy's apologized for the misconduct of one of its workers, who has since been fired for embarrassing and fat shaming a customer.

The North Carolina man who was shamed said he felt really humiliated and embarrassed when he saw the moniker “chubby” written on his receipt after visiting the Wendy’s Gastonia.

The customer, Jimmy, explained that he placed an order for himself and his fiance. “The employee asked me of my name while at the register and I clearly articulated my name 'Jimmy' to her,” Jimmy Shue said. 

"After which she replied 'okay thanks' and handed the ticket to me."

 "I wasn’t expecting anything awful,” Jimmy said, only to eventually take a glance at the receipt that was given to him and see a name different from his actual name. 

Shue said he felt reluctant to own up to the slur and wanted to ignore it. It wasn't until one of the employees called him up for the order by using the name  “chubby,” as written on the ticket, that he finally stepped up.

“That’s not my name, but that’s my order,” Shue said.

"I walked straight to the patron, grabbed my ticket and walked out angrily because I felt very embarrassed as everyone in the restaurant started laughing”.

“I felt that I was being targeted because of my weight and that’s not a right treatment for anybody," Shue said to local media.

Unfortunately, the franchise owner was not available at the time of the incident, so Jimmy decided to reach out to Wendy’s corporate.

When the incident got to Wendy's, they issued a statement apologizing to Shue and said the employee involved had been immediately fired. 

A spokesperson for Wendy’s says "The matter has been investigated and appropriate actions are being taken. We worked very hard to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for our employees and customers.” 

Sadly, writing insulting names on receipts is nothing. An Alabama woman also claimed she was called a 'crazy b---h' after ordering a burger without cheese at a fast food restaurant.

Related: Waiter Caught Off Guard By What Was Written On Receipt

Employee Who Wrote Slur On Receipt Gets Fired

A franchise owner of the fast food restaurant Wendy's apologized for the misconduct of one of its workers, who has since been fired for embarrassing and fat shaming a customer.

The North Carolina man who was shamed said he felt really humiliated and embarrassed when he saw the moniker “chubby” written on his receipt after visiting the Wendy’s Gastonia.

The customer, Jimmy, explained that he placed an order for himself and his fiance. “The employee asked me of my name while at the register and I clearly articulated my name 'Jimmy' to her,” Jimmy Shue said. 

"After which she replied 'okay thanks' and handed the ticket to me."

 "I wasn’t expecting anything awful,” Jimmy said, only to eventually take a glance at the receipt that was given to him and see a name different from his actual name. 

Shue said he felt reluctant to own up to the slur and wanted to ignore it. It wasn't until one of the employees called him up for the order by using the name  “chubby,” as written on the ticket, that he finally stepped up.

“That’s not my name, but that’s my order,” Shue said.

"I walked straight to the patron, grabbed my ticket and walked out angrily because I felt very embarrassed as everyone in the restaurant started laughing”.

“I felt that I was being targeted because of my weight and that’s not a right treatment for anybody," Shue said to local media.

Unfortunately, the franchise owner was not available at the time of the incident, so Jimmy decided to reach out to Wendy’s corporate.

When the incident got to Wendy's, they issued a statement apologizing to Shue and said the employee involved had been immediately fired. 

A spokesperson for Wendy’s says "The matter has been investigated and appropriate actions are being taken. We worked very hard to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for our employees and customers.” 

Sadly, writing insulting names on receipts is nothing. An Alabama woman also claimed she was called a 'crazy b---h' after ordering a burger without cheese at a fast food restaurant.

Related: Waiter Caught Off Guard By What Was Written On Receipt