Imagine if you walked into a bar, ordered a margarita, and the bartender hands you a pie. Doesn’t seem like the worst thing, right? A Frozen Margarita Pie is exactly what it sounds like - a no-bake, zesty creamy filling infused with tequila and triple sec, held up by a sweet and salty pretzel crust. That’s right, a boozy pie that encompasses all the original flavors of a traditional margarita! With Spring around the corner, we’re racking up refreshing dessert recipes to enjoy at our next picnic and this is a top contender. To include the alcohol or to omit it, that’s up to you, the pie will taste divine either way. The only thing to keep in mind before making this pie is that it requires at least 8 hours of refrigeration/freezing to set, so if you are planning on making this for a gathering, plan ahead!