
Oh, Girl Scout Cookies. The popular organization's legion of fans eagerly await Girl Scout season every year to stock up on boxes upon boxes of their favorite cookies; however, sometimes the craving strikes and there are still months to go before Thin Mints, Samoas, Trefoils and more are available to purchase.

Therefore, sometimes fans will turn to Amazon to pick up a box of their preferred Girl Scout Cookie flavor, even though the prices are usually much higher to purchase from the huge online retailers than they would be if you ordered directly through a Girl Scout.

You might think that's a fair price to pay to snack on the cookie you're craving, but according to Popsugar, the Girl Scouts actually would prefer that you just save your cash and wait to purchase a box from them when they're officially offering.

"We caution against purchases of Girl Scout Cookies found for sale online at auction and via community list sites, such as eBay and Amazon, because GSUSA, your local Girl Scout council, and our licensed cookie bakers cannot guarantee the freshness or integrity of these cookies," a Girl Scout representative told Popsugar. "In many instances, these cookies are actually expired. Further, purchasing cookies in this way does not support Girl Scouts participating in the cookie program."

Here's the thing, folks: Girl Scout Cookies are very nostalgic for some people, so it's understandable why a person might choose to purchase an overpriced cookie online -- sometimes, substitutes just don't cut it.

However, the Girl Scouts represent some pretty important and empowering causes; it really is better to just save up your cash and purchase straight from the source when the time comes.

Additionally, the Girl Scouts have been producing lots of different kinds of alternate products that are sure to, at the very least, tide you over until the real cookie season comes. Why not pick up a box of Girl Scout cookie-inspired cereal, or some of their cake mixes, or even try out a few copycat recipes of your own until the season is upon you?

In the meantime, make sure to check out this link to find out where you can purchase cookies near you.


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Oh, Girl Scout Cookies. The popular organization's legion of fans eagerly await Girl Scout season every year to stock up on boxes upon boxes of their favorite cookies; however, sometimes the craving strikes and there are still months to go before Thin Mints, Samoas, Trefoils and more are available to purchase.

Therefore, sometimes fans will turn to Amazon to pick up a box of their preferred Girl Scout Cookie flavor, even though the prices are usually much higher to purchase from the huge online retailers than they would be if you ordered directly through a Girl Scout.

You might think that's a fair price to pay to snack on the cookie you're craving, but according to Popsugar, the Girl Scouts actually would prefer that you just save your cash and wait to purchase a box from them when they're officially offering.

"We caution against purchases of Girl Scout Cookies found for sale online at auction and via community list sites, such as eBay and Amazon, because GSUSA, your local Girl Scout council, and our licensed cookie bakers cannot guarantee the freshness or integrity of these cookies," a Girl Scout representative told Popsugar. "In many instances, these cookies are actually expired. Further, purchasing cookies in this way does not support Girl Scouts participating in the cookie program."

Here's the thing, folks: Girl Scout Cookies are very nostalgic for some people, so it's understandable why a person might choose to purchase an overpriced cookie online -- sometimes, substitutes just don't cut it.

However, the Girl Scouts represent some pretty important and empowering causes; it really is better to just save up your cash and purchase straight from the source when the time comes.

Additionally, the Girl Scouts have been producing lots of different kinds of alternate products that are sure to, at the very least, tide you over until the real cookie season comes. Why not pick up a box of Girl Scout cookie-inspired cereal, or some of their cake mixes, or even try out a few copycat recipes of your own until the season is upon you?

In the meantime, make sure to check out this link to find out where you can purchase cookies near you.

Girl Scouts Want You To Stop Buying Cookies On Amazon

Oh, Girl Scout Cookies. The popular organization's legion of fans eagerly await Girl Scout season every year to stock up on boxes upon boxes of their favorite cookies; however, sometimes the craving strikes and there are still months to go before Thin Mints, Samoas, Trefoils and more are available to purchase.

Therefore, sometimes fans will turn to Amazon to pick up a box of their preferred Girl Scout Cookie flavor, even though the prices are usually much higher to purchase from the huge online retailers than they would be if you ordered directly through a Girl Scout.

You might think that's a fair price to pay to snack on the cookie you're craving, but according to Popsugar, the Girl Scouts actually would prefer that you just save your cash and wait to purchase a box from them when they're officially offering.

"We caution against purchases of Girl Scout Cookies found for sale online at auction and via community list sites, such as eBay and Amazon, because GSUSA, your local Girl Scout council, and our licensed cookie bakers cannot guarantee the freshness or integrity of these cookies," a Girl Scout representative told Popsugar. "In many instances, these cookies are actually expired. Further, purchasing cookies in this way does not support Girl Scouts participating in the cookie program."

Here's the thing, folks: Girl Scout Cookies are very nostalgic for some people, so it's understandable why a person might choose to purchase an overpriced cookie online -- sometimes, substitutes just don't cut it.

However, the Girl Scouts represent some pretty important and empowering causes; it really is better to just save up your cash and purchase straight from the source when the time comes.

Additionally, the Girl Scouts have been producing lots of different kinds of alternate products that are sure to, at the very least, tide you over until the real cookie season comes. Why not pick up a box of Girl Scout cookie-inspired cereal, or some of their cake mixes, or even try out a few copycat recipes of your own until the season is upon you?

In the meantime, make sure to check out this link to find out where you can purchase cookies near you.