Homer Simpson Answers The Great American Question


There are a few questions that seem to be particularly divisive in contemporary America—Red or Blue, East Coast or West Coast, and, of course, Chicago or New York style pizza. People have been debating this particular issue for years, and yet, until recently, we seemed to be as far from a definitive answer as we were when we started.

Luckily, Homer Simpson has come to the rescue.

On Sunday, America’s foremost food aficionado finally answered the question we’ve all been wondering during the first (almost) live “Simprovised” episode of the Simpsons. Throughout the episode, viewers were able to ask Homer their very own questions, and the nation’s most famous glutton did not disappoint.

So what did Homer say?

Chicago. Although not for the reasons you might suppose (more cheese, anyone?) Homer explained his answer with his signature roundabout reasoning, stating, “I prefer Chicago deep dish because I like Italian better than Chinese.”

While this justification might leave you scratching your head, the question’s asker, George Quiroga, was satisfied. Quiroga, a Chicago native, told the Chicago Tribune that he tried 72 times to get his question answered, explaining his persistence by saying “Homer, we know, loves food. Knowing Dan Castellaneta is from Chicago… I targeted a question specifically that I thought would elicit a pretty funny response.” Thankfully, after all his hard work, Quiroga was happy with the fruits of his labor. The Chicagoan echoed the sentiments of many viewers by stating, “He did not fail at all. Homer’s answer was pretty hilarious.”

Despite the fact that there may still be some die-hard New York fans out there, at least now we can rest easy knowing that our love for deep dish has been affirmed by one of America’s most beloved animated characters. After all, Chicago style or not, we think all pizza is worthy of praise! Watch Homer answer the question below before ordering your own pie for lunch, dinner, or a late night snack!

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There are a few questions that seem to be particularly divisive in contemporary America—Red or Blue, East Coast or West Coast, and, of course, Chicago or New York style pizza. People have been debating this particular issue for years, and yet, until recently, we seemed to be as far from a definitive answer as we were when we started.

Luckily, Homer Simpson has come to the rescue.

On Sunday, America’s foremost food aficionado finally answered the question we’ve all been wondering during the first (almost) live “Simprovised” episode of the Simpsons. Throughout the episode, viewers were able to ask Homer their very own questions, and the nation’s most famous glutton did not disappoint.

So what did Homer say?

Chicago. Although not for the reasons you might suppose (more cheese, anyone?) Homer explained his answer with his signature roundabout reasoning, stating, “I prefer Chicago deep dish because I like Italian better than Chinese.”

While this justification might leave you scratching your head, the question’s asker, George Quiroga, was satisfied. Quiroga, a Chicago native, told the Chicago Tribune that he tried 72 times to get his question answered, explaining his persistence by saying “Homer, we know, loves food. Knowing Dan Castellaneta is from Chicago… I targeted a question specifically that I thought would elicit a pretty funny response.” Thankfully, after all his hard work, Quiroga was happy with the fruits of his labor. The Chicagoan echoed the sentiments of many viewers by stating, “He did not fail at all. Homer’s answer was pretty hilarious.”

Despite the fact that there may still be some die-hard New York fans out there, at least now we can rest easy knowing that our love for deep dish has been affirmed by one of America’s most beloved animated characters. After all, Chicago style or not, we think all pizza is worthy of praise! Watch Homer answer the question below before ordering your own pie for lunch, dinner, or a late night snack!

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Homer Simpson Answers The Great American Question

There are a few questions that seem to be particularly divisive in contemporary America—Red or Blue, East Coast or West Coast, and, of course, Chicago or New York style pizza. People have been debating this particular issue for years, and yet, until recently, we seemed to be as far from a definitive answer as we were when we started.

Luckily, Homer Simpson has come to the rescue.

On Sunday, America’s foremost food aficionado finally answered the question we’ve all been wondering during the first (almost) live “Simprovised” episode of the Simpsons. Throughout the episode, viewers were able to ask Homer their very own questions, and the nation’s most famous glutton did not disappoint.

So what did Homer say?

Chicago. Although not for the reasons you might suppose (more cheese, anyone?) Homer explained his answer with his signature roundabout reasoning, stating, “I prefer Chicago deep dish because I like Italian better than Chinese.”

While this justification might leave you scratching your head, the question’s asker, George Quiroga, was satisfied. Quiroga, a Chicago native, told the Chicago Tribune that he tried 72 times to get his question answered, explaining his persistence by saying “Homer, we know, loves food. Knowing Dan Castellaneta is from Chicago… I targeted a question specifically that I thought would elicit a pretty funny response.” Thankfully, after all his hard work, Quiroga was happy with the fruits of his labor. The Chicagoan echoed the sentiments of many viewers by stating, “He did not fail at all. Homer’s answer was pretty hilarious.”

Despite the fact that there may still be some die-hard New York fans out there, at least now we can rest easy knowing that our love for deep dish has been affirmed by one of America’s most beloved animated characters. After all, Chicago style or not, we think all pizza is worthy of praise! Watch Homer answer the question below before ordering your own pie for lunch, dinner, or a late night snack!

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