Left In Tip Line Of Receipt


An Oklahoma City restaurant customer left a rude remark on the tip line of his bill in lieu of a gratuity, and caused uproar on social media in the process.

Last week, the customer in question visited a local Joe’s Crab Shack with a date and decided not to leave a tip because the restaurant was out of sour cream. Instead, he wrote “find sour cream” in the gratuity line of the bill, with the bill totaling it’s pre-gratuity amount of $71.23. Later that night, he proudly shared a picture of the bill on Facebook.

The customer’s cousin, Dustin Clark, subsequently saw the post and was outraged. Clark shamed his cousin for the post on social media and confronted him in person.

“I confronted my cousin about them bragging about the rudeness on Facebook,” he said. Clark later visited the restaurant and apologized personally to the server. He also left $20 and a card. He took to Facebook to encourage others to follow suit, and is now receiving praise from hundreds of people after his good deed went viral.

“We need more people like you who do the right thing. I was a server before who dealt with people like that,” Facebook user Melissa Herbert said.

“That was the most wonderful thing you did for that waitress,” Joyce Persson added.

Incidents involving restaurant gratuities are becoming increasingly prominent on social meda in recent years. While negative incidents continually receive nationwide attention, good deeds like Clark’s – and a recent incident involving a Philadelphia man who tipped his server $3,000 so she wouldn’t get evicted from her home – have recently gone viral.

Sources: News 96 ABC

Photo Credit: news9.com


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An Oklahoma City restaurant customer left a rude remark on the tip line of his bill in lieu of a gratuity, and caused uproar on social media in the process.

Last week, the customer in question visited a local Joe’s Crab Shack with a date and decided not to leave a tip because the restaurant was out of sour cream. Instead, he wrote “find sour cream” in the gratuity line of the bill, with the bill totaling it’s pre-gratuity amount of $71.23. Later that night, he proudly shared a picture of the bill on Facebook.

The customer’s cousin, Dustin Clark, subsequently saw the post and was outraged. Clark shamed his cousin for the post on social media and confronted him in person.

“I confronted my cousin about them bragging about the rudeness on Facebook,” he said. Clark later visited the restaurant and apologized personally to the server. He also left $20 and a card. He took to Facebook to encourage others to follow suit, and is now receiving praise from hundreds of people after his good deed went viral.

“We need more people like you who do the right thing. I was a server before who dealt with people like that,” Facebook user Melissa Herbert said.

“That was the most wonderful thing you did for that waitress,” Joyce Persson added.

Incidents involving restaurant gratuities are becoming increasingly prominent on social meda in recent years. While negative incidents continually receive nationwide attention, good deeds like Clark’s – and a recent incident involving a Philadelphia man who tipped his server $3,000 so she wouldn’t get evicted from her home – have recently gone viral.

Sources: News 96 ABC

Photo Credit: news9.com

Man Ordered To Apologize Over Comment He Left In Tip Line Of Receipt (Photo)

An Oklahoma City restaurant customer left a rude remark on the tip line of his bill in lieu of a gratuity, and caused uproar on social media in the process.

Last week, the customer in question visited a local Joe’s Crab Shack with a date and decided not to leave a tip because the restaurant was out of sour cream. Instead, he wrote “find sour cream” in the gratuity line of the bill, with the bill totaling it’s pre-gratuity amount of $71.23. Later that night, he proudly shared a picture of the bill on Facebook.

The customer’s cousin, Dustin Clark, subsequently saw the post and was outraged. Clark shamed his cousin for the post on social media and confronted him in person.

“I confronted my cousin about them bragging about the rudeness on Facebook,” he said. Clark later visited the restaurant and apologized personally to the server. He also left $20 and a card. He took to Facebook to encourage others to follow suit, and is now receiving praise from hundreds of people after his good deed went viral.

“We need more people like you who do the right thing. I was a server before who dealt with people like that,” Facebook user Melissa Herbert said.

“That was the most wonderful thing you did for that waitress,” Joyce Persson added.

Incidents involving restaurant gratuities are becoming increasingly prominent on social meda in recent years. While negative incidents continually receive nationwide attention, good deeds like Clark’s – and a recent incident involving a Philadelphia man who tipped his server $3,000 so she wouldn’t get evicted from her home – have recently gone viral.

Sources: News 96 ABC

Photo Credit: news9.com