
The maker of the iconically triangular-shaped chocolate bar, Toblerone, has decided that from here on out, it will space out its distinctive shapes into two more widely spaced chocolate bars -- and fans aren't having any of it.

That's right: U.K. fans mind the damn gap.

Per BBC, Mondelez International, the US-based product's manufacturer, decided that the original bars were too heavy; the new ones will reduce the weight from 400 grams to 360 grams (about 14 ounces to 12.7 ounces), and 170 grams to 150 grams (about 6 ounces to 5.3 ounces), depending on which size you purchase.

Additionally, the change of size, according to Mondelez, means that the company would not have to start charging more for the bars; because the cost of ingredients is on the rise, it had to make a choice between changing the shape, or charging us all more for some chocolatey indulgence.

"We chose to change the shape to keep the product affordable for our customers," BBC reports Mondelez as stating.

"Like many other companies, we are experiencing higher costs for numerous ingredients," Mondelez continued, adding: "We carry these costs for as long as possible, but to ensure Toblerone remains on-shelf, is affordable and retains the triangular shape, we have had to reduce the weight of just two of our bars in the UK, from the wider range of available Toblerone products."

Many fans took to the company's Facebook page to voice their disdain over the change, with some citing near personal devastation, and with others even blaming Brexit.

"Toblerone, I'm not being funny, but as a life long fan I'm disappointed -- I wouldn't go so far as to say devastated, but I'm close," wrote Tom Lawrence. "You haven't made a choice between changing the shape or increasing the price, you've done both. By keeping the price the same and dropping the weight, you've increased the price...! Also, the new shape looks rubbish."

Adds Dan Rickwood: "Hi Toblerone, I am one of your biggest fans and love your chocolate, but I bought a 150 g Toblerone earlier only to be left upset disappointed and a little distressed!"

Yes, distressed. Read the company's official announcement and check out the discussion (below):


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The maker of the iconically triangular-shaped chocolate bar, Toblerone, has decided that from here on out, it will space out its distinctive shapes into two more widely spaced chocolate bars -- and fans aren't having any of it.

That's right: U.K. fans mind the damn gap.

Per BBC, Mondelez International, the US-based product's manufacturer, decided that the original bars were too heavy; the new ones will reduce the weight from 400 grams to 360 grams (about 14 ounces to 12.7 ounces), and 170 grams to 150 grams (about 6 ounces to 5.3 ounces), depending on which size you purchase.

Additionally, the change of size, according to Mondelez, means that the company would not have to start charging more for the bars; because the cost of ingredients is on the rise, it had to make a choice between changing the shape, or charging us all more for some chocolatey indulgence.

"We chose to change the shape to keep the product affordable for our customers," BBC reports Mondelez as stating.

"Like many other companies, we are experiencing higher costs for numerous ingredients," Mondelez continued, adding: "We carry these costs for as long as possible, but to ensure Toblerone remains on-shelf, is affordable and retains the triangular shape, we have had to reduce the weight of just two of our bars in the UK, from the wider range of available Toblerone products."

Many fans took to the company's Facebook page to voice their disdain over the change, with some citing near personal devastation, and with others even blaming Brexit.

"Toblerone, I'm not being funny, but as a life long fan I'm disappointed -- I wouldn't go so far as to say devastated, but I'm close," wrote Tom Lawrence. "You haven't made a choice between changing the shape or increasing the price, you've done both. By keeping the price the same and dropping the weight, you've increased the price...! Also, the new shape looks rubbish."

Adds Dan Rickwood: "Hi Toblerone, I am one of your biggest fans and love your chocolate, but I bought a 150 g Toblerone earlier only to be left upset disappointed and a little distressed!"

Yes, distressed. Read the company's official announcement and check out the discussion (below):

Mind The Gap: Toblerone Changes Its Iconic Shape

The maker of the iconically triangular-shaped chocolate bar, Toblerone, has decided that from here on out, it will space out its distinctive shapes into two more widely spaced chocolate bars -- and fans aren't having any of it.

That's right: U.K. fans mind the damn gap.

Per BBC, Mondelez International, the US-based product's manufacturer, decided that the original bars were too heavy; the new ones will reduce the weight from 400 grams to 360 grams (about 14 ounces to 12.7 ounces), and 170 grams to 150 grams (about 6 ounces to 5.3 ounces), depending on which size you purchase.

Additionally, the change of size, according to Mondelez, means that the company would not have to start charging more for the bars; because the cost of ingredients is on the rise, it had to make a choice between changing the shape, or charging us all more for some chocolatey indulgence.

"We chose to change the shape to keep the product affordable for our customers," BBC reports Mondelez as stating.

"Like many other companies, we are experiencing higher costs for numerous ingredients," Mondelez continued, adding: "We carry these costs for as long as possible, but to ensure Toblerone remains on-shelf, is affordable and retains the triangular shape, we have had to reduce the weight of just two of our bars in the UK, from the wider range of available Toblerone products."

Many fans took to the company's Facebook page to voice their disdain over the change, with some citing near personal devastation, and with others even blaming Brexit.

"Toblerone, I'm not being funny, but as a life long fan I'm disappointed -- I wouldn't go so far as to say devastated, but I'm close," wrote Tom Lawrence. "You haven't made a choice between changing the shape or increasing the price, you've done both. By keeping the price the same and dropping the weight, you've increased the price...! Also, the new shape looks rubbish."

Adds Dan Rickwood: "Hi Toblerone, I am one of your biggest fans and love your chocolate, but I bought a 150 g Toblerone earlier only to be left upset disappointed and a little distressed!"

Yes, distressed. Read the company's official announcement and check out the discussion (below):