
With the use of an ironing board, an air conditioner, and a bit of ingenuity, a Redditor created a mini-fridge to chill leftover food.

After eating most of a pizza, Redditor Jblair814 had a problem that many of us have experienced while staying in a hotel room.

"Ahh the old dilemma," the Redditor wrote. "Only a few slices left after my shameful late-night hotel layover bingefest.  Do I eat them and feel like a worse human? Nay. I save them and have an even more shameful breakfast. Enter the problem: how to keep them cool without a mini-fridge? Solution to follow..."

To begin, a hard surface and a cooling device was needed to create the make-shift mini-fridge. In this case, an ironing board and an air conditioner did the trick.

Next, the ironing board was adjusted to an "optimized height," right in the middle of the air conditioning duct.

Jblair814 needed to ensure that the food received "maximum input" from the cooling duct, along with "vacuum pressure to draw the cooling." This required creating a hole in the back of the pizza box.

Although the pizza box fit onto the duct "like a glove," an essential finishing touch was needed to ensure the leftover pizza was fit to eat the next day. Specifically, the make-shift mini-fridge was in need of "a make-shift filter to prevent the lint and ... infested air from contaminating my high quality gourmet dish."

A clean washcloth from the hotel seemed to do the trick.

"BOOM," Jblair814 concluded. "Doneskie. Cool all night and ready to heat for breakkie."

Fellow Redditors responded with a mixture of praise, criticism, and advice, as they tend to do.

"Or.. You could just not refrigerate the pizza," wrote one Redditor. "Pizza stays good for like 2 weeks out of the fridge. Anyone in college will confirm."

"My mind went right to the lint and ... infested air until I got down to your filter," another said. "Bangup job, sir."

"The airflow would leave the pizza dehydrated, when you reheat it, put a cup of water with it," advised one user.

"Still, it wasn't less than 41 degrees," wrote a fourth. "Eating it is if-y, at best. There's a lot of moisture in pizza, good for growing bad stuff. Still, good job improvising!"


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With the use of an ironing board, an air conditioner, and a bit of ingenuity, a Redditor created a mini-fridge to chill leftover food.

After eating most of a pizza, Redditor Jblair814 had a problem that many of us have experienced while staying in a hotel room.

"Ahh the old dilemma," the Redditor wrote. "Only a few slices left after my shameful late-night hotel layover bingefest.  Do I eat them and feel like a worse human? Nay. I save them and have an even more shameful breakfast. Enter the problem: how to keep them cool without a mini-fridge? Solution to follow..."

To begin, a hard surface and a cooling device was needed to create the make-shift mini-fridge. In this case, an ironing board and an air conditioner did the trick.

Next, the ironing board was adjusted to an "optimized height," right in the middle of the air conditioning duct.

Jblair814 needed to ensure that the food received "maximum input" from the cooling duct, along with "vacuum pressure to draw the cooling." This required creating a hole in the back of the pizza box.

Although the pizza box fit onto the duct "like a glove," an essential finishing touch was needed to ensure the leftover pizza was fit to eat the next day. Specifically, the make-shift mini-fridge was in need of "a make-shift filter to prevent the lint and ... infested air from contaminating my high quality gourmet dish."

A clean washcloth from the hotel seemed to do the trick.

"BOOM," Jblair814 concluded. "Doneskie. Cool all night and ready to heat for breakkie."

Fellow Redditors responded with a mixture of praise, criticism, and advice, as they tend to do.

"Or.. You could just not refrigerate the pizza," wrote one Redditor. "Pizza stays good for like 2 weeks out of the fridge. Anyone in college will confirm."

"My mind went right to the lint and ... infested air until I got down to your filter," another said. "Bangup job, sir."

"The airflow would leave the pizza dehydrated, when you reheat it, put a cup of water with it," advised one user.

"Still, it wasn't less than 41 degrees," wrote a fourth. "Eating it is if-y, at best. There's a lot of moisture in pizza, good for growing bad stuff. Still, good job improvising!"

One Reddit User Found An Ingenious Way To Create A Makeshift Mini-Fridge

With the use of an ironing board, an air conditioner, and a bit of ingenuity, a Redditor created a mini-fridge to chill leftover food.

After eating most of a pizza, Redditor Jblair814 had a problem that many of us have experienced while staying in a hotel room.

"Ahh the old dilemma," the Redditor wrote. "Only a few slices left after my shameful late-night hotel layover bingefest.  Do I eat them and feel like a worse human? Nay. I save them and have an even more shameful breakfast. Enter the problem: how to keep them cool without a mini-fridge? Solution to follow..."

To begin, a hard surface and a cooling device was needed to create the make-shift mini-fridge. In this case, an ironing board and an air conditioner did the trick.

Next, the ironing board was adjusted to an "optimized height," right in the middle of the air conditioning duct.

Jblair814 needed to ensure that the food received "maximum input" from the cooling duct, along with "vacuum pressure to draw the cooling." This required creating a hole in the back of the pizza box.

Although the pizza box fit onto the duct "like a glove," an essential finishing touch was needed to ensure the leftover pizza was fit to eat the next day. Specifically, the make-shift mini-fridge was in need of "a make-shift filter to prevent the lint and ... infested air from contaminating my high quality gourmet dish."

A clean washcloth from the hotel seemed to do the trick.

"BOOM," Jblair814 concluded. "Doneskie. Cool all night and ready to heat for breakkie."

Fellow Redditors responded with a mixture of praise, criticism, and advice, as they tend to do.

"Or.. You could just not refrigerate the pizza," wrote one Redditor. "Pizza stays good for like 2 weeks out of the fridge. Anyone in college will confirm."

"My mind went right to the lint and ... infested air until I got down to your filter," another said. "Bangup job, sir."

"The airflow would leave the pizza dehydrated, when you reheat it, put a cup of water with it," advised one user.

"Still, it wasn't less than 41 degrees," wrote a fourth. "Eating it is if-y, at best. There's a lot of moisture in pizza, good for growing bad stuff. Still, good job improvising!"