Pregnant Woman Caught Off Guard By Experience At Burger King


A pregnant woman was reportedly told she could not use the bathroom at a Burger King because her boyfriend had not yet paid for their food.

Karen Gunner, who is six months pregnant, attempted to use the restroom at the fast food restaurant, but was reportedly stopped by a worker who told the 31-year-old she was not allowed to use it unless she could provide a receipt, reports the Mirror. Meanwhile, her partner, Dan Weston, was in line waiting for their order.

Even after Gunner says she pointed to her boyfriend in line and asked if she could use the bathroom, the worker reportedly denied her access to it.

“It’s quite obvious I’m pregnant and I specifically pointed it out to them,” Gunner said. “But she just said, ‘Sorry that’s our policy.’ As I was unable to use the toilet we had to leave before my partner ordered our lunch.”

Gunner says the incident left her feeling embarrassed and that, though she rarely eats Burger King, the way she was treated has put her off completely.

A spokesman for Burger King apologized to Gunner for what happened, location and says its staff will be better informed on how to handle matters like this one going forward.

“I would like to assure you that all pregnant women, whether they are customers or not, are allowed to use our washrooms at all times,” the spokesman said. “It appears that one of the temporary Christmas staff was not informed about the policy. I have phoned the restaurant manager and discussed this unacceptable situation with him. He has assured me that he will speak to all his staff to reiterate the company policy on this matter."

Source: the Mirror/Photo Credit: Mike Mozart/Flickr, Wikimedia Commons


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A pregnant woman was reportedly told she could not use the bathroom at a Burger King because her boyfriend had not yet paid for their food.

Karen Gunner, who is six months pregnant, attempted to use the restroom at the fast food restaurant, but was reportedly stopped by a worker who told the 31-year-old she was not allowed to use it unless she could provide a receipt, reports the Mirror. Meanwhile, her partner, Dan Weston, was in line waiting for their order.

Even after Gunner says she pointed to her boyfriend in line and asked if she could use the bathroom, the worker reportedly denied her access to it.

“It’s quite obvious I’m pregnant and I specifically pointed it out to them,” Gunner said. “But she just said, ‘Sorry that’s our policy.’ As I was unable to use the toilet we had to leave before my partner ordered our lunch.”

Gunner says the incident left her feeling embarrassed and that, though she rarely eats Burger King, the way she was treated has put her off completely.

A spokesman for Burger King apologized to Gunner for what happened, location and says its staff will be better informed on how to handle matters like this one going forward.

“I would like to assure you that all pregnant women, whether they are customers or not, are allowed to use our washrooms at all times,” the spokesman said. “It appears that one of the temporary Christmas staff was not informed about the policy. I have phoned the restaurant manager and discussed this unacceptable situation with him. He has assured me that he will speak to all his staff to reiterate the company policy on this matter."

Source: the Mirror/Photo Credit: Mike Mozart/Flickr, Wikimedia Commons

Pregnant Woman Caught Off Guard By Experience At Burger King

A pregnant woman was reportedly told she could not use the bathroom at a Burger King because her boyfriend had not yet paid for their food.

Karen Gunner, who is six months pregnant, attempted to use the restroom at the fast food restaurant, but was reportedly stopped by a worker who told the 31-year-old she was not allowed to use it unless she could provide a receipt, reports the Mirror. Meanwhile, her partner, Dan Weston, was in line waiting for their order.

Even after Gunner says she pointed to her boyfriend in line and asked if she could use the bathroom, the worker reportedly denied her access to it.

“It’s quite obvious I’m pregnant and I specifically pointed it out to them,” Gunner said. “But she just said, ‘Sorry that’s our policy.’ As I was unable to use the toilet we had to leave before my partner ordered our lunch.”

Gunner says the incident left her feeling embarrassed and that, though she rarely eats Burger King, the way she was treated has put her off completely.

A spokesman for Burger King apologized to Gunner for what happened, location and says its staff will be better informed on how to handle matters like this one going forward.

“I would like to assure you that all pregnant women, whether they are customers or not, are allowed to use our washrooms at all times,” the spokesman said. “It appears that one of the temporary Christmas staff was not informed about the policy. I have phoned the restaurant manager and discussed this unacceptable situation with him. He has assured me that he will speak to all his staff to reiterate the company policy on this matter."

Source: the Mirror/Photo Credit: Mike Mozart/Flickr, Wikimedia Commons