Taco Bell’s Rumored Flamin’ Hot Doritos Locos Tacos Are REAL


Alright guys, as you read in the title the rumored taco is real. It’s here (almost). There's been so much talk of this lately. So many rumors floating around. Is this taco real? Or was someone messing with us, and very cruelly so. I sure hope not. Well it turns out that this Flamin hot Doritos locos taco is, in fact, real. Foodbeast and Delish both contacted Taco Bell about this new taco and both received confirmations. Two confirmations?

That means this taco just has to be real. Where we first heard of this taco was on Chewboom. And this taco has apparently been found at a Taco Bell in San Antonio, Texas back in March. A Chewboom reader went to get a free Doritos Locos Taco and instead of a regular Doritos shell was offered a Flamin’ Hot Doritos shell. Now I don’t know about you but I would totally have taken them up on that deal. 

I cannot wait to try out this taco. If the regular Dorito taco wasn’t good enough, the extra spice will add a kick that I can’t wait to try! I am so sad that there hasn’t been any word on the exact release date. There have been rumors about it being on April 16th but Taco Bell has not confirmed this. I wish they would hurry up and let us know when we can get one! I will try to not keep my hopes up… but... I will definitely be at my nearest Taco Bell on the 16th just in case… and if it’s not there I may be packing up and driving to San Antonio...


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Alright guys, as you read in the title the rumored taco is real. It’s here (almost). There's been so much talk of this lately. So many rumors floating around. Is this taco real? Or was someone messing with us, and very cruelly so. I sure hope not. Well it turns out that this Flamin hot Doritos locos taco is, in fact, real. Foodbeast and Delish both contacted Taco Bell about this new taco and both received confirmations. Two confirmations?

That means this taco just has to be real. Where we first heard of this taco was on Chewboom. And this taco has apparently been found at a Taco Bell in San Antonio, Texas back in March. A Chewboom reader went to get a free Doritos Locos Taco and instead of a regular Doritos shell was offered a Flamin’ Hot Doritos shell. Now I don’t know about you but I would totally have taken them up on that deal. 

I cannot wait to try out this taco. If the regular Dorito taco wasn’t good enough, the extra spice will add a kick that I can’t wait to try! I am so sad that there hasn’t been any word on the exact release date. There have been rumors about it being on April 16th but Taco Bell has not confirmed this. I wish they would hurry up and let us know when we can get one! I will try to not keep my hopes up… but... I will definitely be at my nearest Taco Bell on the 16th just in case… and if it’s not there I may be packing up and driving to San Antonio...

Taco Bell’s Rumored Flamin’ Hot Doritos Locos Tacos Are REAL

Alright guys, as you read in the title the rumored taco is real. It’s here (almost). There's been so much talk of this lately. So many rumors floating around. Is this taco real? Or was someone messing with us, and very cruelly so. I sure hope not. Well it turns out that this Flamin hot Doritos locos taco is, in fact, real. Foodbeast and Delish both contacted Taco Bell about this new taco and both received confirmations. Two confirmations?

That means this taco just has to be real. Where we first heard of this taco was on Chewboom. And this taco has apparently been found at a Taco Bell in San Antonio, Texas back in March. A Chewboom reader went to get a free Doritos Locos Taco and instead of a regular Doritos shell was offered a Flamin’ Hot Doritos shell. Now I don’t know about you but I would totally have taken them up on that deal. 

I cannot wait to try out this taco. If the regular Dorito taco wasn’t good enough, the extra spice will add a kick that I can’t wait to try! I am so sad that there hasn’t been any word on the exact release date. There have been rumors about it being on April 16th but Taco Bell has not confirmed this. I wish they would hurry up and let us know when we can get one! I will try to not keep my hopes up… but... I will definitely be at my nearest Taco Bell on the 16th just in case… and if it’s not there I may be packing up and driving to San Antonio...