
In the world of beverages, the cutting-edge is becoming mainstream.

Coca-Cola and Food IQ recently teamed up to discuss the seven biggest flavor trends in the beverage industry, and the list might surprise you! Read on to learn what types of drinks will be popular in bars, grocery stores, and soda fountains over the coming year.

1. Healthy

Move aside, soda. According to FoodNavigator-USA, consumers are becoming increasingly interested in better-for-you drinks such as water and aloe juice. Expect to see more light, fresh, and green-tasting beverages hit stores over the next few months.

2. Exotic

Beverages that reflect different traditions and cultures are also increasing in popularity. Examples of such drinks include specialty teas, which are experiencing a major spike in sales.

3. Botanical

One of the more unexpected beverage trends this year is the rise in consumer preference for herbal and floral flavored drinks. Everything from basil to mint is hot right now, and “floral flavors are off the charts and growing like crazy.” In other words, prepare for a whole slew of rose, lavender, and hibiscus flavored drinks to hit the market in the coming year.

4. Subtly Savory

Not to be confused with herbal beverages, the subtly savory designation includes those drinks that are seasoned with flavors and spices not typically associated with sweets. Examples of popular subtly savory flavors are turmeric, chipotle, and cilantro.

5. Handcrafted

The popularity of handcrafted beverages is trickling down from high-end bars and cocktails to more mainstream beverages. Food IQ expects drinks with a “story to tell” to be especially trendy.

6. Specialty Citrus

Specialty citrus, such as burnt orange, is also rising in popularity due to customer affinity for “bold” and “sour” flavors. Other examples of flavors that fall under this category include tamarind, pickled fruit, and unique lemonades.

7. Bitter and Sour

According to Food IQ, the unexpected rise of drinking vinegar highlights the increasing popularity of bitter and sour flavors in beverages. In fact, bitter and sour flavors are so popular that they were given their own category by the drink experts, despite notable overlap with specialty citrus. 


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In the world of beverages, the cutting-edge is becoming mainstream.

Coca-Cola and Food IQ recently teamed up to discuss the seven biggest flavor trends in the beverage industry, and the list might surprise you! Read on to learn what types of drinks will be popular in bars, grocery stores, and soda fountains over the coming year.

1. Healthy

Move aside, soda. According to FoodNavigator-USA, consumers are becoming increasingly interested in better-for-you drinks such as water and aloe juice. Expect to see more light, fresh, and green-tasting beverages hit stores over the next few months.

2. Exotic

Beverages that reflect different traditions and cultures are also increasing in popularity. Examples of such drinks include specialty teas, which are experiencing a major spike in sales.

3. Botanical

One of the more unexpected beverage trends this year is the rise in consumer preference for herbal and floral flavored drinks. Everything from basil to mint is hot right now, and “floral flavors are off the charts and growing like crazy.” In other words, prepare for a whole slew of rose, lavender, and hibiscus flavored drinks to hit the market in the coming year.

4. Subtly Savory

Not to be confused with herbal beverages, the subtly savory designation includes those drinks that are seasoned with flavors and spices not typically associated with sweets. Examples of popular subtly savory flavors are turmeric, chipotle, and cilantro.

5. Handcrafted

The popularity of handcrafted beverages is trickling down from high-end bars and cocktails to more mainstream beverages. Food IQ expects drinks with a “story to tell” to be especially trendy.

6. Specialty Citrus

Specialty citrus, such as burnt orange, is also rising in popularity due to customer affinity for “bold” and “sour” flavors. Other examples of flavors that fall under this category include tamarind, pickled fruit, and unique lemonades.

7. Bitter and Sour

According to Food IQ, the unexpected rise of drinking vinegar highlights the increasing popularity of bitter and sour flavors in beverages. In fact, bitter and sour flavors are so popular that they were given their own category by the drink experts, despite notable overlap with specialty citrus. 

These Are The Latest Trends Emerging In The Drink World

In the world of beverages, the cutting-edge is becoming mainstream.

Coca-Cola and Food IQ recently teamed up to discuss the seven biggest flavor trends in the beverage industry, and the list might surprise you! Read on to learn what types of drinks will be popular in bars, grocery stores, and soda fountains over the coming year.

1. Healthy

Move aside, soda. According to FoodNavigator-USA, consumers are becoming increasingly interested in better-for-you drinks such as water and aloe juice. Expect to see more light, fresh, and green-tasting beverages hit stores over the next few months.

2. Exotic

Beverages that reflect different traditions and cultures are also increasing in popularity. Examples of such drinks include specialty teas, which are experiencing a major spike in sales.

3. Botanical

One of the more unexpected beverage trends this year is the rise in consumer preference for herbal and floral flavored drinks. Everything from basil to mint is hot right now, and “floral flavors are off the charts and growing like crazy.” In other words, prepare for a whole slew of rose, lavender, and hibiscus flavored drinks to hit the market in the coming year.

4. Subtly Savory

Not to be confused with herbal beverages, the subtly savory designation includes those drinks that are seasoned with flavors and spices not typically associated with sweets. Examples of popular subtly savory flavors are turmeric, chipotle, and cilantro.

5. Handcrafted

The popularity of handcrafted beverages is trickling down from high-end bars and cocktails to more mainstream beverages. Food IQ expects drinks with a “story to tell” to be especially trendy.

6. Specialty Citrus

Specialty citrus, such as burnt orange, is also rising in popularity due to customer affinity for “bold” and “sour” flavors. Other examples of flavors that fall under this category include tamarind, pickled fruit, and unique lemonades.

7. Bitter and Sour

According to Food IQ, the unexpected rise of drinking vinegar highlights the increasing popularity of bitter and sour flavors in beverages. In fact, bitter and sour flavors are so popular that they were given their own category by the drink experts, despite notable overlap with specialty citrus.