
You probably already know that the key to a harmonious and lasting bond in any relationship (be it romantic, platonic or familial) is to be nice to one another -- and to know where you want to eat for dinner.

No, really; what is it about choosing which restaurant to go to for a meal with your dining partner that grinds so many people's gears? We feel like it's the never-ending fight, and almost always ends in unsatisfied appetites and name calling.

Fortunately, however, this genius duo has come up with a solution for us all!

BuzzFeed reports that Jared Baker, a 20-year-old college student, was speaking with his father, Jerry, one night about how difficult it was to decide on where to eat for dinner when one of them had a date.

The two are thick as thieves, and laughingly agreed that it's often pretty dang tough to settle on a destination for food.

Little did Jared know that Jerry had a little surprise up his sleeve, because a few days later, Jerry showed his son this amazing little invention that is turning our culinary worlds upside down:

Yes, that's what it looks like -- a Wheel of Food!

Essentially, all you have to do is spin the wheel and allow the nifty little device to determine your ultimate dining destination for the evening. Say good-bye to fights, tears, disagreements and sub-par food: This wheel allows you to unite with your partner, and blame all gastric disappointments on the wheel instead of one another.

Um, yes please!

"Because I'm tired of the 'it doesn't matter,'" Jerry wrote when he shared his brilliant invention on Facebook.

His post has been shared more than 171,000 times online as of Feb. 6, so we guess a lot of people are likewise sick of the restaurant disagreements.

What do you think of this Wheel of Food?


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You probably already know that the key to a harmonious and lasting bond in any relationship (be it romantic, platonic or familial) is to be nice to one another -- and to know where you want to eat for dinner.

No, really; what is it about choosing which restaurant to go to for a meal with your dining partner that grinds so many people's gears? We feel like it's the never-ending fight, and almost always ends in unsatisfied appetites and name calling.

Fortunately, however, this genius duo has come up with a solution for us all!

BuzzFeed reports that Jared Baker, a 20-year-old college student, was speaking with his father, Jerry, one night about how difficult it was to decide on where to eat for dinner when one of them had a date.

The two are thick as thieves, and laughingly agreed that it's often pretty dang tough to settle on a destination for food.

Little did Jared know that Jerry had a little surprise up his sleeve, because a few days later, Jerry showed his son this amazing little invention that is turning our culinary worlds upside down:

Yes, that's what it looks like -- a Wheel of Food!

Essentially, all you have to do is spin the wheel and allow the nifty little device to determine your ultimate dining destination for the evening. Say good-bye to fights, tears, disagreements and sub-par food: This wheel allows you to unite with your partner, and blame all gastric disappointments on the wheel instead of one another.

Um, yes please!

"Because I'm tired of the 'it doesn't matter,'" Jerry wrote when he shared his brilliant invention on Facebook.

His post has been shared more than 171,000 times online as of Feb. 6, so we guess a lot of people are likewise sick of the restaurant disagreements.

What do you think of this Wheel of Food?

This Wheel Of Food Is A Must-Have For Picky Diners

You probably already know that the key to a harmonious and lasting bond in any relationship (be it romantic, platonic or familial) is to be nice to one another -- and to know where you want to eat for dinner.

No, really; what is it about choosing which restaurant to go to for a meal with your dining partner that grinds so many people's gears? We feel like it's the never-ending fight, and almost always ends in unsatisfied appetites and name calling.

Fortunately, however, this genius duo has come up with a solution for us all!

BuzzFeed reports that Jared Baker, a 20-year-old college student, was speaking with his father, Jerry, one night about how difficult it was to decide on where to eat for dinner when one of them had a date.

The two are thick as thieves, and laughingly agreed that it's often pretty dang tough to settle on a destination for food.

Little did Jared know that Jerry had a little surprise up his sleeve, because a few days later, Jerry showed his son this amazing little invention that is turning our culinary worlds upside down:

Yes, that's what it looks like -- a Wheel of Food!

Essentially, all you have to do is spin the wheel and allow the nifty little device to determine your ultimate dining destination for the evening. Say good-bye to fights, tears, disagreements and sub-par food: This wheel allows you to unite with your partner, and blame all gastric disappointments on the wheel instead of one another.

Um, yes please!

"Because I'm tired of the 'it doesn't matter,'" Jerry wrote when he shared his brilliant invention on Facebook.

His post has been shared more than 171,000 times online as of Feb. 6, so we guess a lot of people are likewise sick of the restaurant disagreements.

What do you think of this Wheel of Food?