
How on earth did anybody think this was an appropriate idea?

Shoppers are horrified by Walmart’s supreme lack of tact once again after the chain unleashed one of its most disgusting marketing fails to date: several hundred 12-packs of Coke products stacked into a Ground Zero diorama.

Above the display, a banner bearing both Coca-Cola and Walmart’s logos hangs, while printed over an image of the pre-9/11 New York City skyline the words “We Will Never Forget,” are written in a bold white font. The top right corner brings home the point: “9-11-01.”

Then, underneath the banner, a sign announcing that Coca-Cola 12 packs are on sale for $3.33.

“Rollback,” reads the sign.

A man named Shawn Richard noticed the gross tribute on Sept. 6, while on vacation in Florida with his girlfriend.

“We stopped and stared at it like, oh my god,” Richard told BuzzFeed News. “Nobody seemed to be noticing it, it wasn’t very crowded, and I got the feeling that it had just been assembled. So we took some pics and went on our way.”

After tweeting the photo of the display -- soda boxes mounted to resemble the Twin Towers -- the post immediately went viral, with thousands retweeting it in just two days.

It should come as no surprise that countless people were outraged.

Per BuzzFeed, a Walmart spokesperson told the Orlando Weekly that the display is being taken down, noting that the Coca-Cola company is usually the mind behind the display ideas; Walmart then chooses whether or not to approve.

Clearly, it chose wrong this time.


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How on earth did anybody think this was an appropriate idea?

Shoppers are horrified by Walmart’s supreme lack of tact once again after the chain unleashed one of its most disgusting marketing fails to date: several hundred 12-packs of Coke products stacked into a Ground Zero diorama.

Above the display, a banner bearing both Coca-Cola and Walmart’s logos hangs, while printed over an image of the pre-9/11 New York City skyline the words “We Will Never Forget,” are written in a bold white font. The top right corner brings home the point: “9-11-01.”

Then, underneath the banner, a sign announcing that Coca-Cola 12 packs are on sale for $3.33.

“Rollback,” reads the sign.

A man named Shawn Richard noticed the gross tribute on Sept. 6, while on vacation in Florida with his girlfriend.

“We stopped and stared at it like, oh my god,” Richard told BuzzFeed News. “Nobody seemed to be noticing it, it wasn’t very crowded, and I got the feeling that it had just been assembled. So we took some pics and went on our way.”

After tweeting the photo of the display -- soda boxes mounted to resemble the Twin Towers -- the post immediately went viral, with thousands retweeting it in just two days.

It should come as no surprise that countless people were outraged.

Per BuzzFeed, a Walmart spokesperson told the Orlando Weekly that the display is being taken down, noting that the Coca-Cola company is usually the mind behind the display ideas; Walmart then chooses whether or not to approve.

Clearly, it chose wrong this time.

Walmart Disgusts Customers With Disgusting 9/11-Themed Soda Display

How on earth did anybody think this was an appropriate idea?

Shoppers are horrified by Walmart’s supreme lack of tact once again after the chain unleashed one of its most disgusting marketing fails to date: several hundred 12-packs of Coke products stacked into a Ground Zero diorama.

Above the display, a banner bearing both Coca-Cola and Walmart’s logos hangs, while printed over an image of the pre-9/11 New York City skyline the words “We Will Never Forget,” are written in a bold white font. The top right corner brings home the point: “9-11-01.”

Then, underneath the banner, a sign announcing that Coca-Cola 12 packs are on sale for $3.33.

“Rollback,” reads the sign.

A man named Shawn Richard noticed the gross tribute on Sept. 6, while on vacation in Florida with his girlfriend.

“We stopped and stared at it like, oh my god,” Richard told BuzzFeed News. “Nobody seemed to be noticing it, it wasn’t very crowded, and I got the feeling that it had just been assembled. So we took some pics and went on our way.”

After tweeting the photo of the display -- soda boxes mounted to resemble the Twin Towers -- the post immediately went viral, with thousands retweeting it in just two days.

It should come as no surprise that countless people were outraged.

Per BuzzFeed, a Walmart spokesperson told the Orlando Weekly that the display is being taken down, noting that the Coca-Cola company is usually the mind behind the display ideas; Walmart then chooses whether or not to approve.

Clearly, it chose wrong this time.