What Exactly Goes Into A Chicken McNugget? Now We Know (Video)


If you’ve ever eaten a McNugget, there’s a good chance you’ve wondered just what exactly it is that you’re eating. Sure, there’s chicken in it. But chicken doesn’t naturally exist as a tofu-textured nugget that only comes in one of four shapes. There’s a lot that happens from the time a chicken is squawking in the factory to when it’s served in a McNugget box.

Well, as is their custom as of late, McDonald’s released a video attempting to bring some transparency to the process.

For the video, former Mythbusters crew member Grant Imahara goes to one of McDonald’s five Tyson’s chicken processing plants in the U.S. He links up with a plant manager at the factory and gets a firsthand look at the entire McNugget creation process.

After seeing how the McNugget is made, Imahara concludes that there’s really nothing sketchy going on. Of course, you wouldn’t expect anything else from a McDonald’s promo video. To see for yourself how the McNugget is made, watch this:

Source: YouTube / Photo Credit: Screenshot


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If you’ve ever eaten a McNugget, there’s a good chance you’ve wondered just what exactly it is that you’re eating. Sure, there’s chicken in it. But chicken doesn’t naturally exist as a tofu-textured nugget that only comes in one of four shapes. There’s a lot that happens from the time a chicken is squawking in the factory to when it’s served in a McNugget box.

Well, as is their custom as of late, McDonald’s released a video attempting to bring some transparency to the process.

For the video, former Mythbusters crew member Grant Imahara goes to one of McDonald’s five Tyson’s chicken processing plants in the U.S. He links up with a plant manager at the factory and gets a firsthand look at the entire McNugget creation process.

After seeing how the McNugget is made, Imahara concludes that there’s really nothing sketchy going on. Of course, you wouldn’t expect anything else from a McDonald’s promo video. To see for yourself how the McNugget is made, watch this:

Source: YouTube / Photo Credit: Screenshot

What Exactly Goes Into A Chicken McNugget? Now We Know (Video)

If you’ve ever eaten a McNugget, there’s a good chance you’ve wondered just what exactly it is that you’re eating. Sure, there’s chicken in it. But chicken doesn’t naturally exist as a tofu-textured nugget that only comes in one of four shapes. There’s a lot that happens from the time a chicken is squawking in the factory to when it’s served in a McNugget box.

Well, as is their custom as of late, McDonald’s released a video attempting to bring some transparency to the process.

For the video, former Mythbusters crew member Grant Imahara goes to one of McDonald’s five Tyson’s chicken processing plants in the U.S. He links up with a plant manager at the factory and gets a firsthand look at the entire McNugget creation process.

After seeing how the McNugget is made, Imahara concludes that there’s really nothing sketchy going on. Of course, you wouldn’t expect anything else from a McDonald’s promo video. To see for yourself how the McNugget is made, watch this:

Source: YouTube / Photo Credit: Screenshot