Yes, You Can Freeze Dairy


We get it, you're busy. You like to cook, and you know making your own food is better, but some weeks you end up eating out for every meal. Meanwhile, your giant Costco container of Greek yogurt gets older and older. What do you do?

Don't let your dairy go bad! Most of it holds up pretty well in the freezer. Just defrost in the fridge before you're ready to use it.


Milk and cream of all kinds freeze and thaw pretty well. Make sure the container has enough room to expand. Give it a good shake once it defrosts.

Keep in mind that previously-frozen cream will not whip very well, so stick with the fresh stuff for that.


Yes, you can freeze yogurt. If you like to use only a little at a time – for example, in smoothies – we recommend spooning portions into ice cube trays. Once completely frozen, transfer the cubes into a freezer-safe bag or container. That way you don’t have to thaw the whole thing every time you want a small portion. The texture might change a little, making it grainy, so this works best for Greek yogurt, which is already pretty thick.


Eggs freeze best with the yogurt method. Whisk together the whites and yolks until combined, then spoon three tablespoons (roughly equivalent to one egg) into each ice cube tray segment. Once frozen, transfer to a freezer-safe container and store for up to six months.


You can absolutely freeze cheese. Either freeze in its original package (like a bag of shredded cheddar) or wrap in plastic wrap and then throw in a freezer bag (like a block of Parmesan). You might want to grate it before freezing, too. The texture will change somewhat and become crumbly, so only do this with cheese you are planning to cook with, like hard cheese or anything melty. That really expensive imported stuff you want to eat by the slice? Not so much.


Butter usually freezes well, as long as it’s well-sealed. It lasts in the freezer for around six to eight months. Try freezing it in half cup portions for easy use.

Cream Cheese

Full-fat cream cheese freezes pretty well, although the texture can change slightly once you thaw it. Once defrosted, use it promptly in cooked dishes, dips or sauces. Don’t freeze the low-fat stuff though.


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We get it, you're busy. You like to cook, and you know making your own food is better, but some weeks you end up eating out for every meal. Meanwhile, your giant Costco container of Greek yogurt gets older and older. What do you do?

Don't let your dairy go bad! Most of it holds up pretty well in the freezer. Just defrost in the fridge before you're ready to use it.


Milk and cream of all kinds freeze and thaw pretty well. Make sure the container has enough room to expand. Give it a good shake once it defrosts.

Keep in mind that previously-frozen cream will not whip very well, so stick with the fresh stuff for that.


Yes, you can freeze yogurt. If you like to use only a little at a time – for example, in smoothies – we recommend spooning portions into ice cube trays. Once completely frozen, transfer the cubes into a freezer-safe bag or container. That way you don’t have to thaw the whole thing every time you want a small portion. The texture might change a little, making it grainy, so this works best for Greek yogurt, which is already pretty thick.


Eggs freeze best with the yogurt method. Whisk together the whites and yolks until combined, then spoon three tablespoons (roughly equivalent to one egg) into each ice cube tray segment. Once frozen, transfer to a freezer-safe container and store for up to six months.


You can absolutely freeze cheese. Either freeze in its original package (like a bag of shredded cheddar) or wrap in plastic wrap and then throw in a freezer bag (like a block of Parmesan). You might want to grate it before freezing, too. The texture will change somewhat and become crumbly, so only do this with cheese you are planning to cook with, like hard cheese or anything melty. That really expensive imported stuff you want to eat by the slice? Not so much.


Butter usually freezes well, as long as it’s well-sealed. It lasts in the freezer for around six to eight months. Try freezing it in half cup portions for easy use.

Cream Cheese

Full-fat cream cheese freezes pretty well, although the texture can change slightly once you thaw it. Once defrosted, use it promptly in cooked dishes, dips or sauces. Don’t freeze the low-fat stuff though.

Yes, You Can Freeze Dairy

We get it, you're busy. You like to cook, and you know making your own food is better, but some weeks you end up eating out for every meal. Meanwhile, your giant Costco container of Greek yogurt gets older and older. What do you do?

Don't let your dairy go bad! Most of it holds up pretty well in the freezer. Just defrost in the fridge before you're ready to use it.


Milk and cream of all kinds freeze and thaw pretty well. Make sure the container has enough room to expand. Give it a good shake once it defrosts.

Keep in mind that previously-frozen cream will not whip very well, so stick with the fresh stuff for that.


Yes, you can freeze yogurt. If you like to use only a little at a time – for example, in smoothies – we recommend spooning portions into ice cube trays. Once completely frozen, transfer the cubes into a freezer-safe bag or container. That way you don’t have to thaw the whole thing every time you want a small portion. The texture might change a little, making it grainy, so this works best for Greek yogurt, which is already pretty thick.


Eggs freeze best with the yogurt method. Whisk together the whites and yolks until combined, then spoon three tablespoons (roughly equivalent to one egg) into each ice cube tray segment. Once frozen, transfer to a freezer-safe container and store for up to six months.


You can absolutely freeze cheese. Either freeze in its original package (like a bag of shredded cheddar) or wrap in plastic wrap and then throw in a freezer bag (like a block of Parmesan). You might want to grate it before freezing, too. The texture will change somewhat and become crumbly, so only do this with cheese you are planning to cook with, like hard cheese or anything melty. That really expensive imported stuff you want to eat by the slice? Not so much.


Butter usually freezes well, as long as it’s well-sealed. It lasts in the freezer for around six to eight months. Try freezing it in half cup portions for easy use.

Cream Cheese

Full-fat cream cheese freezes pretty well, although the texture can change slightly once you thaw it. Once defrosted, use it promptly in cooked dishes, dips or sauces. Don’t freeze the low-fat stuff though.