3 Hacks For Air Travel

3 Hacks For Air Travel

Serves: 3 people
Cooking Time: 35 minutes
3 Hacks For Air Travel


  • Tequila
  • Orange juice
  • Lemon-lime soda
  • Leftover salt from your pretzel bag
  • Strawberry or other fruit garnish (optional)
  • Rum
  • Vodka
  • A dash of leftover cold coffee
  • Coffee creamer, to taste
  • Grapes or other fruit from a charcuterie pack
  • Wine


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Crammed in a tiny airplane seat? Why not throw a one-person party to make the time pass more quickly?
  1. To make the margarita, mix all liquids together in a plastic cup. Sprinkle salt over the top -- who has time to properly rim the glass? Garnish and sip!
  2. To make the White Russian, combine all ingredients in a plastic cup -- with ice, if you can get some. Drink up!
  3. To make the sangria, slice your fruit into bite-sized pieces, then add to a plastic cup. Pour wine over the fruit. Let it soak for at least 30 minutes -- the perfect time to take a nap! Top off with orange juice and lemon-lime soda. Enjoy!