Homemade Simple Polish Rosol

Homemade Simple Polish Rosol

Serves: 4 people
Cooking Time: 35 minutes
Homemade Simple Polish Rosol


  • 3 1/3 cup of water
  • 3 bouillon cubs
  • 1 red or white medium onion
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 cup noodles
  • 1 pinch of whole black pepper
  • 2 bay leafs
  • 2 packs of noodles (1 cup)


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  1. Boil the water in the medium size pan.
  2. While the water is cooking, crosscut carrots. Chop the onion into small pieces and fry them on the pan for 2 minutes.
  3. When the water is boiling, drop onion, carrots, whole black pepper, bouillon cubes and bay leafs in the pan and keep it on medium-low heat for 20 minutes. Stir from time to time.
  4. Drop the noodles in the pan and cook for 10 minutes on a medium heat, stirring from time to time.
  5. Chop the fresh parsley into small pieces and sprinkle it on the top.