Pink Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Pink Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Serves: 6-8 People
Cooking Time: 25 Minutes
Total Time: 25 Minutes
Pink Chocolate Covered Strawberries


  • 8-10 strawberries
  • ¾ cup pink candy melts, melted
  • ¾ cup dark chocolate, melted
  • Pink edible glitter, for garnish
  • Pink sugar, for garnish


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  1. Prepare a cookie sheet with parchment paper, set aside
  2. Dry off each strawberry thoroughly then gently pull up the hull
  3. Insert a skewer into the center of the strawberry then dip into the chocolate, taking care to coat each one thoroughly and evenly
  4. Place the dipped strawberry onto the prepared cookie sheet then allow to set
  5. Once set paint the pink dipped strawberries with the edible glitter
  6. To garnish the chocolate dipped strawberries, drizzle additional pink chocolate across each strawberry then sprinkle over the pink sugar. Allow to set fully before serving
  7. To farther decorate the pink strawberries drizzle with additional pink chocolate or white chocolate. Allow to set before serving. Enjoy!